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20 essential tips to speed up the loading speed of your website

Are you experiencing slow loading on your website? Do you wish to speed up your website so that Google and your customers be impressed? Here are 20 easy steps to improve the speed of your website!

It is impossible to undervalue the importance of an easy-to-use web page.

You can reduce the bounce rate of your website by increasing the speed of your site's loading. It will also improve the number of visitors who visit your site. It can be difficult to make the necessary changes to improve the speed of loading your website if you don't know the process.


This article will discuss the reasons why loading speeds are important , and what you can do to increase them.


Table of Contents

Why is speeding up your site crucial?


The distinction between a site which succeeds and isn't able to reach its target audience is determined by the speed at which it loads.


It's easy. No one likes waiting around for websites to load.


[bctt Tweet="40 percent of internet users leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds for loading."[bctt Tweet="40% of web users abandon a website if it


That means that, even if your website's design is great but improving SEO won't help your site if it isn't performing well. People will frequently browse other results on search engines before waiting for pages that are slow.


Your SEO will improve when your site loads fast. This is one of the factors Google takes into consideration when developing search algorithms. So increasing the speed of your website will increase your ranking in search results.


Google ranks also weighs the speed of loading as an aspect of the user experience.

What is the "good" loading speed of an online site?



It is crucial to establish specific goals prior to making progress on speeding up your site.


Google suggests that a web page load in less than 3 seconds. However, most websites are significantly faster than that.


[bctt Tweet: "A web page should not take more than 3 seconds to load. But the reality is that it can take an average between 7 and 10 minutes."[bctt Tweet:


A Google study revealed that 70 percent of websites take seven seconds to display images. A typical mobile site loads in 22 seconds.


The chance that a visitor will leave a site that takes more than 10 seconds for loading has increased to 123%.


It is evident that the layout of web pages isn't ideal. That means the speed of your site can provide a significant advantage over competitors.

How can you determine the speed at which your website loads?


Before you begin working to improve your site's loading speed, it's crucial to understand what the state of your website is. There are many online tools to assist you achieve this. They are among the most crucial.


PageSpeed Insights. This is Google's preferred choice. It's free and simple to use, and can provide suggestions. In a separate article, we talked about ways to get a top score on Google PageSpeed Insights for WordPress.


GTMetrix. This tool provides you with comprehensive and detailed details. This tool lets you evaluate the performance of your site using a variety of browsers and sites.


PingdomTools. This tool analyzes every aspect on your website and explains the way it impacts your website's speed.


Google Analytics. This tool allows you to check the load times of your websites and also the elements that cause issues.


YSlow. The tool does not just measure the load time, but also offers suggestions for improving it.


20 ways to increase the speed of loading of your website pages

How do I speed up the loading speed of my website?

Select a hosting service which will increase your site's speed.



Many businesses begin to employ the web hosting server (webhosting) using a low cost or no-cost hosting plan, like shared hosting. They will diminish in numbers as your company grows.


To manage your entire content, you'll require dedicated resources. Based on your budget and the needs of your business it is possible to consider dedicated servers or virtual private servers.

The webserver's PHP version needs to be upgraded.


While it's usually thought of as an issue of minor importance, changing the PHP version could be a major impact on speed of your website.


It is important to make sure that your PHP and all themes or plugins you use are up-to-date. This will allow you to avoid security risks.

Improve your database's performance to improve the speed of your website


Your database will soon grow with user reviews, trackbacks , and other components, particularly when you use an advanced CMS or plugins.

Orrados and other elements may delay loading times. This issue can be prevented by cleaning your database regularly.


There are a variety of plugins available that can help to speed up the process. Make sure you backup prior to doing this!

Allow caches for web browsers